Privacy Policy

Effective Date: May 23, 2024

BlueForge Alliance, and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “BFA,” “we,” “our,” and “us”) are responsible for this website (the “Website”). We are committed to respecting the privacy of our Website visitors.

This Privacy Notice describes our practices related to personal information collected through the Website. Please read this Privacy Notice carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your personal information and how we will treat it. By accessing or using any component of our Website or any part of the Services, you agree to all terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy and the changes thereto. If you do not agree, do not use, or access the Services.

If you do choose to visit our Website, you can learn more about who we are, what we do, and career opportunities we have (the “Services”).

To make starting your career path easier, from our Website, you can look at available opportunities as our Website allows you to access (the “Build Submarines Website”). The Build Submarines Website, works with ZipRecruiter that allows you to apply to open positions with BFA directly through that third-party website. For information about how the Build Submarines Website collects, uses, and shares your information, please review the Build Submarines Website’s Privacy Notice.  

What Personal Information Does BFA Collect?

We do not collect a lot of information when you interact with the Website, including that we do not collect any personally identifiable information that would identify you as a natural person. However, we do monitor user traffic patterns throughout the website according to a user’s domain name, browser type, date and time of access, and pages viewed.

This information is collected in order to measure the number of visitors to the Website and to determine which areas users find useful based upon the traffic to particular areas. BFA uses this information to enhance visitors’ experience and to better prepare future content based on the interests of visitors.

Your mobile provider may have a conflicting privacy position that captures personal information when you visit our Website. BFA is not responsible for and does not control how other parties may collect your information when you access our Website.

How BFA Uses Cookies or Other Tracking Technologies?

BFA uses cookies on this website. Cookies are small text files sent to and stored on users’ computers that allow websites to recognize repeat users, facilitate users’ access to websites and allow websites to compile aggregate data that will allow content improvements. Cookies do not damage users’ computers or files. If you do not want cookies to be accessible by this or any other BFA website, you should adjust the settings on your browser program to deny or disable the use of cookies. The cookies that BFA uses on this site do not identify you. The cookies simply provide BFA with aggregate, anonymous analytics about the number of people visiting particular pages on this Website.

The Website may also use web beacons. A web beacon is usually a pixel on a website that can be used to track whether a user has visited a particular website to deliver targeted advertising. Web beacons are used in combination with cookies, which means that, if you turn off your browser’s cookies, the web beacons will not be able to track your activity. The web beacon will still account for a website visit, but your unique information will not be recorded.

How Does BFA Use the Information it Collects?

BFA may use the information it collects about you for the following purposes, as well as for any other purpose to which you consent or is required by law:

• conduct basic business operations, such as communicate with customers and business planning;

• provide investor Services;

• provide the information, item or Services you have requested;

• communicate with you about products, Services and events relating to BFA, to the extent that you have requested such communications and with the opportunity to opt-out;

• improve our products, Services and websites, including the Website;

• verify your identity to ensure security for one of the other purposes listed here;

• respond to a legitimate legal request from law enforcement authorities or other government regulators;

• investigate suspected or actual illegal activity;

• support the sale or transfer of all or a portion of our business or assets (including through bankruptcy);

• comply with legal and regulatory requirements involving job applications, which may include providing reports to government agencies;

• provide you with opportunities to offer feedback on your experience;

• conduct analysis on applicant trends to understand and improve BFA recruitment practices, including for diversity, equity, and inclusion analysis;

• verify your identity and ensure security for one of the other purposes identified herein;

• ensure or enhance the security of BFA’s hiring platforms and electronic systems; and

• protected against fraud.

Your information will be used with your consent or to fulfill a legal obligation, and, in locations that permit it, for a legitimate interest.

How Does BFA Disclose or Otherwise Share Your Information with Third Parties?

BFA does not sell, share, rent or otherwise disclose your personal information and has not for the immediate 12 months preceding the effective date of this Privacy Notice.  

Where BFA Stores Information it Collects?

BFA is U.S. company with operations only in the U.S. As such, information we collect will be stored in the U.S.

How Long Does BFA Retain Information it Collects?

BFA will retain information that it collects as long as needed to comply with its contractual and legal obligations, which may include for U.S Government contracts that requires retention for 3 years, or for as long is required for the original purpose for which it was collected. That period of time may be extended where required by law, policy, administrative or judicial activity and audit obligations. In all instances, retention requirements and purging of information may be impacted by law or regulation, court, administrative or arbitration proceeding, or an audit requirement. In each of these instances, applicable obligations may require BFA to retain data in specific circumstances for longer than indicated in this notice. BFA may retain anonymous data for statistical purposes to understand and improve its recruitment practices.

What You Need to Know About Third-Party Links On the Website?

In some instances, BFA may provide links to non-BFA controlled websites and social media plug-ins, including Facebook, Instagram, Threads, X, YouTube, and others, which BFA will make reasonable efforts to identify as such. BFA does not control such third-party websites, and cannot be responsible for the content or the privacy practices employed by other websites.

How BFA Protects Information it Collects?

BFA has implemented technical, administrative and physical measures to safeguard any information that we may collect.

What Are Your Rights Regarding Your Information It Collects?

It is BFA’s position that it does not collect any personal information about you when you use the Website. To the extent it does or that an applicable court or supervisory authority determines that it does, you may have the following data subject rights:

Residents of California and Colorado:

California Shine the Light Law: California residents may annually request and obtain information that is shared with other businesses for their own direct marketing use within the prior calendar year. BFA does not share your personal information with other businesses for their own direct marketing use.

California Consumer Privacy Act: California residents have the right to:

• request details about the personal information that we have about you, including the categories of information, the purpose for which we use it, with whom we share it, and specific information about what personal information we have about you;

• request that your data be deleted;

• correct your data; and

• direct BFA not to sell or share your data, but, since BFA does not sell or share personal information, this does not apply.

If you are a California resident not covered by the exclusions mentioned above and you would like to exercise your rights, you should contact BFA by emailing us at Please provide your name, a way for BFA to contact you (such as an email address or telephone number) so that we can respond to your request, information about the nature of your relationship with us (for example, are you a visitor to our website or a shareowner), and details about the action that you would like us to take. Based on your request, we will investigate to determine if we have any of your personal information. If we do have your personal information (other than that provided in your request), we will seek to verify your identity based on the personal information that we already have; the data we will request will depend on the nature of the personal information we have about you. Once we verify your identity, we will provide you with a response, indicating how we will satisfy your request or why we cannot comply with your request.

For all requests, we will provide a response within 45 days, and let you know if longer is needed. If we do not take any action on the request, we will let you know why, and it is usually because we cannot verify your identity or we have verified your identity but identified that you are not and have not been a California or Colorado resident in the relevant time period.

For Colorado residents, you can appeal this decision/non-action. You may also contact the Colorado Attorney General if you have concerns about the result of the appeal.

Do Not Track.

Currently this Website does not respond to Do Not Track signals.  

BFA’s Policy on the Personal Information of Minors.

This Website is intended for visitors who are at least 18 years of age and the minimum age for legal consent in their jurisdiction of residence. BFA does not knowingly solicit information from, or market products or services to, children. If you believe that BFA has collected information about a minor please contact us immediately through the Contact BFA section below. If you do not meet the age requirements set out above, please do not enter your personal information on this or any other BFA website.

BFA Changes to this Privacy Notice.

As BFA expands and improves the Website, we may need to update this Privacy Notice. If we make any significant changes to the Privacy Notice, we will post a notice on our Website or contact you to inform you when required by law. By continuing to interact with us after the modified version of Privacy Notice has been posted, you are accepting the changes to the Privacy Notice, subject to any additional requirements that may apply. We encourage you to review this Privacy Notice on a regular basis for any changes. The date of the latest version will be identified at the top of the Privacy Notice.

Contact BFA.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please email or send via mail to 3891 S. Traditions Drive, Bryan, Texas 77807. If you wish to access, correct or update your personal information, or if you have questions about BFA’s privacy practices in general or a complaint, please email